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I'm a dedicated Australian educator living and working in Austria. I love to innovate - technology integration and children's literature are my two current passions! @LouMKemp

Friday, 21 February 2014

Watch out, blended learning, we're coming!

I don't know how to start this post, so I'm just gonna blurt it out: my class has 1:1 iPads!
Clearly, I am still completely in the 'Whoa, this is so cool!' phase. Which is lucky, because so are my students. Seriously, every day is like Christmas morning.

We've only had the trolley in the classroom for a few days - at this very early stage, we are still sorting out management and logistics, learning our way around this particular piece of hardware, and exploring the apps.

A quick description of the project: each child in my class (and me!) has been issued their 'own' iPad. Initially we'll just use them in class, but we're hoping that the children will be able to take them home after a few weeks.

Over the next months, I will be working closely with the school's Digital Learning Integrator and the Primary School Principal to investigate the effects of iPad use on teaching and learning. Which, on rereading, sounds very dry. What I'm hoping for is a transformation in how learning happens in our classroom. Yep, I'm talking about blended learning. There is heaps of information to be found on the internet about blended learning - I like this video.

Cool! But, how?

There are so many possibilities for the shape this transformation might take: here are a few of my thoughts, dreams and questions.
  • iPads become like pencil cases in our classroom: a place where we store a bunch of different tools to help us to solve problems, create, practise skills...
  • This is what I'm most excited about right now:
    • Transformation of the organisation and differentiation of tasks. We have 1:1 iPads and (most of the time) very good opportunities for access to laptops, as well as two class desktop computers. We have an ample class library and reasonable opportunities for access to the school library. We have good resources for arts and crafts. 
    • If we organise our tasks and learning, differently, it follows that iPad integration is going to change how my classroom looks. This is one that I want to play around with a lot more. 
I'm guessing there's an app for that :).

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