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I'm a dedicated Australian educator living and working in Austria. I love to innovate - technology integration and children's literature are my two current passions! @LouMKemp

Sunday, 4 May 2014

If I was Queen of the Universe...

In my last post, I wrote about the need for culture of creativity throughout a school's community, not just within classrooms. It was bothering me, and I hoped that writing about it would get it out of my system. It didn't - I'm stuck on the idea of developing schools as creative communities, as opposed to institutions that inspire kids to be creative. I want an action plan.

A quick definition to explain what I mean by 'schools as creative communities' and 'schools as institutions'. A creative community is composed of students, teachers, non-teaching staff, parents and other stakeholders who are inspired and inspiring. The institution is an hierarchical organisation with the purpose of spitting out creative kids.

My big question: How can we develop schools that are creative communities in which all members inspire and are inspired? More practically - what can I do?

To inspire kids to think outside of the box, I need to be an out of the box thinker myself. I need to be inspired.
So what inspires me?
My list:
An inspirational environment - aesthetics, culture, people, resources. Collaboration. Playfulness. Flexibility. Energy. Connection. Communication. Empowerment. Feedback. Risk Taking. Boldness. Openness. Encouragement and Opportunities to lead. Reflection.

And what kills my inspiration?
Rigidity. Canned curricula. Timidity. Hidden agendas and resource-hoarding. Fear of failure. Bullying.

What do I already do about all this? What more can I do?
Concerning my own day-to-day practice, I have a fair amount of freedom. So in that sphere, it's pretty straightforward.
  • share things that inspire me with my students, colleagues and their families, and inspire them to share with others
  • be bold
  • use a variety of technologies for learning, teaching, connecting
  • collaborate - within my school's community and beyond
  • invite community members in, in a variety of formal and informal contexts
  • engage in open dialogue with students, colleagues, parents, other community members
  • create inspirational spaces, and space for inspiration
  • be positive, encouraging, give things a go
  • invite a variety of outcomes when trying something new 
  • persevere!
Ok, so now for the Queen of the Universe part.
Somewhere in my travels around the internet, I found this sentence and wrote it down to think about.
'The School provides the freedom for our teachers to be creative and bold in their practice, to collaborate with colleagues and to challenge themselves to try new methodologies.'
I really like it. Really. Especially 'bold'. We definitely need to be bold.
Is it enough just to 'provide the freedom'?

I think that, to be inspirational, 'providing freedom' is the bare minimum any organisation can do. Here are a few ideas for scaffolding inspiration.
  • redesign spaces for learning and community activities
  • provide a variety of opportunities and media for community participation
  • develop an inclusive and inspirational culture
  • de-institutionalise - is it necessary for children to always walk in straight lines, call their teacher 'Mr' or 'Ms', have regular meeting times, do it because that's how it's always been done?
  • designate time and space for community members (not just teachers and students!) to share things they've been doing, things that have inspired them
  • designate time and space for collaboration with community members
  • develop a culture of participation for all community members - everyone is responsible for creating an inspiring and inspirational community

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