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I'm a dedicated Australian educator living and working in Austria. I love to innovate - technology integration and children's literature are my two current passions! @LouMKemp

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Bits and Pieces

Just a few quick thoughts that I want to get down before they are lost forever in the abyss..

Today we started to document our screen time - I realised that I was completely carried away with doing exciting stuff on the iPads and forgot about balance. And then, I realised that if I was going home with very tired eyes, then the children probably are as well. And when I asked them, what do you know? Lots of tired eyes in 4LK.. I'm a rocket scientist. Hopefully, we will be able to use the data we collect to inform the students' development of their own schedules for using the iPads - when to leave them at school, when to take them home.. The most exciting upside is that now I 'realise' that I definitely have time to try out some of the cool ideas for Art lessons I've been seeing on this excellent blog, which links to a bunch of others that also look excellent. Hooray!

Choice: this is something I am working to incorporate more into our schedule. This week, we have begun working on two big pieces of learning. The first is the Trip Planner/Maths PBL that I've mentioned in previous posts, the second is the creation of a narrative. One cool thing that has happened is that while most students are working their way through these 'projects', I am able to pull out small groups for focused instruction. The choice comes in because I can make myself 'free' during this time, so that children can elect to come to me when they feel in need of some extra help with a skill or concept, and leave the group when they feel ready. Also, they can choose which project they will do, when. The children have responded well to this and our classroom has been really busy with motivated children doing work that I think feels more purposeful to them.

And lastly, just something that I'm pondering. I got involved in an online discussion with a bunch of people who aren't teachers and their understanding of how teachers and school work was so different to my reality. I know that some of this is to do with perspective and also of course to do with the fact that education varies so much according to time, place, and of course, individual teachers, students, schools and cultures. I wonder how we can be more effective in sharing our work with the wider community?

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