It's been a busy week - lots of meetings and planning for projects underway.
The last while has been really enjoyable because there' s been lots of time for library work - I've really enjoyed getting more familiar with our collection, and gaining confidence in being able to find the right book for students, parents and teachers when they come and ask. However, we are just on the brink of the next phase of the CIS Self-Study, so I will need to devote a lot of time in the near future to collating the evidence and analysis collected by our sub-committees, and creating the report.
But, a quick review of the week, because there are some exciting things going on...
The Grade 3 ESL class I've been working with now have their blog up and running. Their ESL teacher is excited to have another way that the children can show their parents the work they've done so far this school year in her classes. Hopefully, it'll also provide a useful tool for reflection later in the year - they can watch the videos of themselves speaking and be proud of the progress they've made! My next goal for this group is to have them begin creating their own posts.
With this same group, we've been using Storybird to create narratives. There's lots that's great about Storybird - the illustrations are absolutely stunning, for one. It's really simple, available for computers and tablets, and it's relatively easy to share your finished product - via social media or by embedding. My only complaint is that there's no option to generate a direct link to your work - which means it's not so compatible with Blogger and other Google products. You can play with the embed code to make it work, but those are precious minutes better spent elsewhere, really. The other thing I'd really like to see included in Storybird is the option to add audio - this group of students has trouble getting their thoughts and ideas written down in English. My work-around for this time is to have them use Audioboom to record their stories, and we'll embed the audio underneath the Storybird work on the blog. I think next time we'll try Voicethread...
I worked with a couple of Grade 5 classes yesterday, which was wonderful. I know this group quite well, from being a Grade 4 classroom teacher last year.. I'm working with one group on creating interactive book reviews, using Thinglink. Here's the link so you can see what we've done so far, although it's clearly a work in progress. I love Thinglink - it's really fun, is a great vehicle for kids to learn to upload photos and video, hyperlink and manipulate basic code, and the end products look great. We'll add the finished product to the library's book review blog.
With the other class, we also published book reviews. They chose to publish theirs in Destiny Quest, our catalogue/library management system, so other students can easily access their reviews as they browse. We're just beginning to use Destiny Quest more effectively in the library this year, and so far, I like it a lot. It's very simple and user-friendly. Some students also chose to add their reviews to the library review blog to share with the wider school community, which made me very happy. Most of the reviews are written by me, about picture books, because 50% of my teaching time is spent with the very small children, sharing picture books. Which is lovely, but I'm very conscious of a vast body of excellent literature for older readers that I'm not getting into yet! It's a goal.. On the upside, reviews about children's books are more authentic when they're written by children, I suppose. Kids know better what they like than I do :).
I also had a really exciting meeting with the Grade 2 team, and am looking forward to trialling our new system for resource curation with them (Symbaloo). I have a load of curation to do with/for them for their next unit of inquiry, Resources and Choices. Also, more tech integration work with narratives, a couple of author visits, AND hopefully some drama.
Oh it feels so good to write all that down - so nice to be back in reflection mode - really keeps me on track and clears my head. Now for the weekend!
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